The Junior Auxiliary of Slidell (JAS) held the 2nd annual MIRROR retreat for members on August 17, 2019. The meaning of MIRROR is; motivate, inspire, re-engage, re-educate, organize and refresh. Eleven members participated in thought provoking activities and a breakout session to discuss Membership, Provisional Training, Service Projects, and Grants. Each breakout group was tasked to review results from the 2018 MIRROR retreat and update the list to reflect what is needed to move JAS forward into another successful year. Members discussed the new project, S.T.E.A.M. IN THE PARK, to be launched March 14, 2020, at Heritage Park. This project educates children from all socio-economic backgrounds by engaging them in fun “hands-on” activities and demonstrations that inspire them to seek careers in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. They also celebrated the success of the existing service projects and the completed goals of 2018 – 2019.
New goals for the 2019 – 2020 year were identified at the end of the day. JAS is excited to put these plans into action to faithfully serve the greater Slidell Community in the upcoming year.
Special thanks to Cafe Luke for providing an inviting venue and delicious food for our retreat!